Thursday, March 01, 2012

Rumba Colombia - unmixed

How does this look and sound?

Monday, August 01, 2011

Nothofagus gunni sandstone bench for sale

Put these items on display at Gilbert Morgan's Antique Shop and Garden in Copping. Replication 1 has sold, (thanks) but the seat's still available.

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Sunday, August 09, 2009

Map of Tasmania

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Water Contamination

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Moving blogs

Well I've moved my blog to here for the moment to experiment with RSS feeds.
So come on over and see how it's going!

Thursday, October 28, 2004

J and DCHS Team win International Award

Jo Murray

J Easterby-Wood and Department of Health and Community Services, Northern Territory team have won the International Innovation Award in Public Sector Administration-CAPAM (11 finalists out of 154 nominations) for MARVIN (TM) - that's (Messaging Architecture for Retrieval of Versatile Information and News). Check out theFlexible Learning Leader 2004 Preview for more information.

Congratulations J.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

The Knowledge Tree eJournal

Jo Murray

Check out the Knowledge Tree ejournal. I've just launched edition 06.

NET*Working 2004 Online

The NET*Working 2004 Online Conference is just about ready to go off!

Come and join the fun.

Getting into the swing of blogging

Jo Murray

Each time I come in here I find it tricky to work out where to actually click to add something new.
But how do I put my photo in the header so it doesn't disappear off the main page? Guess I'd better read the help files!

in my office at Bream Creek Posted by Hello